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Create Quizzes / Create a quiz for your Wix website

Create a quiz for your Wix website

If you own or manage a website powered by Wix adding a Fyrebox quiz is very easy. After logging in on Wix, visit the Wix App Market at http://www.wix.com/app-market/fyrebox-games-and-quizzes/overview and click on the “Add App” button.

A blank quiz will be displayed on the current page of your website. By double clicking on the quiz, your Wix dashboard will be displayed, where you can select the quiz you wish you create or select a template among the 20+ we offer. Here is a screenshot of the Fyrebox dashboard on Wix:

The scenario quiz or product recommendation quiz

The scenario quiz allows you to create a product recommendation or situation-based training tool.

Edit the appearance of your quiz

You can change most elements of your quiz from the appearance page.

Creating a theme for your quiz

To create a theme for your quiz, search an image on the appearance page and select a layout and colors.

Connect your quiz to Zapier

Connect your quiz to Zapier and send the contact information of your quiz participants to more than 3000 applications.

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